Monday, July 7, 2008

Pinecone Research -- signup link HERE!

Pinecone Research is probably the hardest research panel to become a member of. Here, you can find a link though :)

They only allow sign ups through their banner ads, that is, if you are lucky enough to come across one! This is the way they pre-screen all their panelists, and often you can easily miss the banner if you are lucky enough to catch what you're seeing.

They offer $5 per product and review you do. That means, you get mailed a product and you are then requested to give them feedback on it; ie: what you thought of its features, quality, etc.

You usually only receive a few products per month, but you could certainly use another $15 or so right? Paid via check, by the way.

Would you like to become a member of one of the most elusive, influential and flat-out COOLEST panels on the net? Then join below!

Visit Pinecone Research!

NOTE: USA members only.


tarheelnancy said...

Hey there, just wanted to leave a quick comment about Pinecone Research. They are a truly great company!

They pay great and send payments out quick! (You can either get paid by check or Paypal; I chose Paypal.)

The sign-ups are limited so if you want in you need to get in quick!

I've made 48.00 from them myself so far and haven't been a member very long, about 2 months.

Brennan said...

Hey Nancy! Thanks for vouching for Pinecone! Glad to hear you've done so well in so little time :)